Event on 17 June, Washington DC: Improving the Use of Economic Evaluation for Global Health Funders

Jun. 12, 2014

As part of a series of events coinciding with the launch of the Gates Reference Case, Tommy Wilkinson (Adviser for Health Economics, NICE International) will be speaking on Tuesday 17 June 2014 at a lunch seminar hosted by the Center for Global Development, Washington DC. If you missed our launch event in London or are attending the HTAi conference, here’s your chance to find out why the Gates RC is important for global health funders, policymakers and researchers alike; and how it will help improve the quality of economic evaluations to ensure that limited resources in health are invested in the best possible way. All are welcome to join the discussion on Twitter using #GatesRC hashtag!

Location, Date & Time

Center for Global Development

2055 L St NW – Fifth Floor

WashingtonDC 20036


Tuesday, June 17, 2014
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

See CGD event page for further information