About Us
The International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI) is a global network of health, policy and economic expertise, working to achieve Universal Health Coverage and the health Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3).
We support countries to make better decisions about how much public money to spend on healthcare and how to make that money go further. We believe everyone should have fair access to health, receiving the right treatment and the right medicines at the right time.
A global network
iDSI forges regional and global partnerships that share the knowledge and support needed to achieve real world health gains. We focus on building institutional knowledge within existing health systems so countries can lead their own progress towards UHC.

Evidence-based decision making
Our work is underpinned by robust evidence, analysis and decision-making that policymakers, funders and researchers can use to balance trade-offs between different policy options and model potential results to make the best choice available. As a result, health ministries are equipped to make persuasive demands on public and donor spending that will save lives.
The collaboration with iDSI has led to policy change and has been of great value to us in Vietnam. I appreciate the commitment shown by iDSI in supporting Vietnam to use evidence to inform decision-making in health.Prof Pham Le Tuan Vice Minister of Health in Vietnam
Long-term partnerships
Our work focuses on building the skills and expertise of those involved in national health systems so they can make the best use of finite resources to solve problems for current and future generations. As this expertise grows, we facilitate regional cooperation to increase contextual knowledge and skills sharing that will improve the impact and value of healthcare spending.
Our values
- Everyone should have fair access to health, receiving the right treatment and the right medicines at the right time.
- Health systems need to develop and maintain their own skills so they can make the best use of finite resources to solve problems for current and future generations.
- Sustainable and progressive health systems are only possible when they engage and involve those with a stake in its success, from the public through to funders.
How we are funded
iDSI is supported by funding from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Department for International Development, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Bill & Melinda Gates

UK Department for
International Development
iDSI Knowledge Gateway
All iDSI research, reports and papers can be viewed on the iDSI Knowledge Gateway on the open science publication platform F1000Research.