Welcome to our resources section. Here you will find a selection of key iDSI resources; from journal articles to technical reports and tools such as the iDSI Reference Case.
Capacity Building
This involves mobilising a wide range of capacities among stakeholders – not only the technical capacity to “do” research and generate clinical and health economic evidence.
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
The iDSI Theory of Change outlines the key causal steps and preconditions for translating iDSI support into the institutionalisation and capacity-strengthening required for “better decisions”, and underpins how we measure success and learn as a network.
A range of videos and animations on priority-setting and health technology assessment (HTA), developed by iDSI core partners
Policy Briefs
Accessible and impactful summaries and briefings of iDSI’s work across the globe, by iDSI core partners.
What’s in, What’s Out: Designing Benefits for Universal Health Coverage
CGD’s flagship iDSI knowledge product argues that the creation of an explicit health benefits plan — a defined list of services that are and are not available — is an essential element in creating a sustainable system of universal health coverage.
HTA Toolkit
A free, accessible resource on the building blocks of a sustainable and locally relevant HTA mechanism for priority-setting. It has been designed for and in consultation with technical staff working in health policy keen to build HTA processes in their own countries.
Ethics and Equity in Priority-Setting
Decisions about whether to cover a health intervention have ethically important consequences for those in need of services. An ethics framework for priority-setting can be a critical tool to inform better decision making for health on the path to UHC.
iDSI Reference Case for Economic Evaluation
The iDSI reference case is a principle-based approach to guide the planning, conduct and reporting of economic evaluations. It provides decision makers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with relevant and reliable ways to determine the likely implications of implementing a treatment or health service in specific contexts.
Cost-effectiveness Thresholds
A central concern of decision-makers in health is whether the health gains offered by an intervention are large enough relative to its costs to warrant adoption. This requires some notion of the value that must be realized by an intervention, which is most frequently represented using a cost-effectiveness threshold.
iDSI Knowledge Gateway
All iDSI research, reports and papers can be viewed on the open science publication platform F1000Research. Visit our gateway on F1000 to access more of our work.
We are now hosting our technical content and knowledge products on the iDSI Knowledge Gateway.
- The content is organised into our 6 key themes
- This tab displays formal academic articles that have been authored by iDSI and published on F1000Research
- This tab displays a variety of knowledge outputs, including: “Technical Reports”,”Tools”,”Policy Documents”,”Briefing papers”,”Case Studies” and “How to guides”
- This is an example of one of our knowledge outputs
- This tab displays iDSI authored articles that have been published in a wide variety of global health journals
- You can search all of the content on the gateway here