- iDSI has been supporting the institutional capacity building of health technology assessment (HTA) systems in Tanzania since 2015. We have assisted the Government of Tanzania to establish and develop the Tanzanian Health Technology Assessment Committee, and have contributed to a review of the National Essential Medicines List, ensuring that it focuses on the most cost-effective treatments.
Our Impact
iDSI has:

Supported establishment of the Tanzanian Health Technology Assessment Committee

Assisted the revision of the National Essential Medicines List, focusing it on more cost-effective interventions
Assisting the review of the National Essential Medicines List
iDSI support provided via Priority Cost Effective Lessons for Systems Strengthening South Africa (PRICELESS SA) included capacity building workshops and continuous technical support, to ensure that the NEMLIT revision effectively addressed cost-effectiveness considerations. A standard operating procedure for the review was developed, which included explicit mention of the need to consider cost-effectiveness.
iDSI reviewed the draft of NEMLIT chapters; to ensure that they included the most cost-effective treatments. The fifth edition of the NEMLIT was launched in January 2018 by Minister for Health Ummy Mwalimu. The new essential medicines list is now more prioritised than before, decreasing from approximately 500 medicines to 400 medicines, thus facilitating rational medicine use in Tanzania.
The project also provided an opportunity for iDSI to support the establishment of the Tanzanian HTA Committee, which has been institutionalised officially within the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children and which will continue to provide HTA assistance to policy maker in Tanzania in future.
Key reads
Introducing health technology assessment in Tanzania | International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care | Cambridge Core Surgey, G., Chalkidou, K., Reuben, W., Suleman, F., Miot, J., & Hofman, K. (2020). Introducing health technology assessment in Tanzania. 36(2), 80-86. doi:10.1017/S0266462319000588