Constituency The population whose health improvement is represented in the pre-stated normative assumption: “to improve population health subject to a budget constraint”. Constituency includes all people in a particular region, country, or insurance plan.
Context The circumstances of a decision, including the population (constituency), investment type and political and other constraints
Element Any part or aspect of the reference case, including both principles and specifications
Funder (of an Economic Evaluation) The party that directly financially supports the production of the Economic Evaluation.
Health Technology Anything that promotes health or prevents ill-health. Includes health programmes, public health policy initiatives, and privately consumed medical interventions, devices and diagnostics
Principle A type of reference case element. A general statement that aligns with an overall objective to improve population health related quality and length of life that guides the planning, conduct and reporting of an economic evaluation
Reference Case A standard set of principles and specifications that an analyst should follow in performing cost-effectiveness analysis – adapted from Culyer (2013), Gold (1996).
Scientific Value Judgments (in Health) Views on the significance and relevance of available scientific, technical, and clinical data
Social Value Judgments (in Health) Individual or communal beliefs, needs and aspirations driving different perceptions of appropriate expenditure priorities
Specification (of a Principle) A type of reference case element. The operationalisation of a principle by specifying a numerical value or defined position.
User (of Economic Evaluations) The party that makes use of an economic evaluation to inform decisions. Note that in many instances, there will be multiple direct and indirect potential users of an economic evaluation.