What we do
We share our skills and expertise in these six areas to help low- and middle-income countries to transition from aid, develop skills to spend smarter and to increase access to quality healthcare so they can achieve Universal Health Coverage.
Our areas
Tackling healthcare challenges
IDSI works with country partners to design and implement health economic analysis, guidelines, quality standards and pathways to tackle major health challenges, such as maternal health, non-communicable diseases, and antimicrobial resistance.
Strengthening health systems and institutions
iDSI embeds best practice principles for developing sustainable institutions and environments for setting priorities in health. This ensures decisions in health and policy are fair, transparent and informed by evidence.
Generating and using evidence
iDSI generates and uses evidence from international literature and national data to help policymakers and healthcare providers understand trade-offs between different options, and design more effective and efficient health benefits packages.
Smart purchasing for UHC
iDSI helps country partners identify high-value indications for medicines and technologies. This embeds health technology assessment into social insurance programmes and regulatory and pricing mechanisms.
Value for money for sustainable development
iDSI’s approach provides value for money both for country governments to make the most of limited resources, and for funders to provide international aid and development in health and other sectors with a longer-term view.
Measuring impact
IDSI is working to understand and measure success, identifying the key ingredients of stronger institutions and better decisions, so that more relevant insights and lessons can be shared with partners around the world..